Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers (5 pack)
Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers (5 pack)
Jerusalem Artichokes are easily grown from tubers which are amazing to eat. The stems make great cut flowers and the plants form a quick growing wind break.
A member of the sunflower family, in late summer the plants produce a mass of spray-sized sunflower blooms. Great in bunches and for pairing with dahlias.
The tubers can be dug in winter and used in casseroles or stews. Any time you need a starchy root vegetable, you can use a jerusalem artichoke tuber. The flavour is reminiscent of the more common globe artichoke but the plant is from a totally different family.
Finally we love how the plants form a 3 meter high windbreak. We plant them on the flower farm to give our plants some reprieve from hot summer north winds. In winter, we cut down the stems and dig the tubers. Any left in the ground grow into plants for next year.
Not to QLD.